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Mobile Console for Android and iOS update

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Upgrade now to the new version of mobile operator app to get better push notifications support and sounds you are used to in desktop Operator Console.

"Away" mode is also available in the operator consoles for Android and iOS now.

October, 2019

Conntect your Wix website with Provide Support Live Chat

Provide Support and Wix integration

Are you a Wix-based site owner? This update is for you then!

With a few simple steps you can now integrate your Provide Support account with your Wix site. The detailed live chat and Wix integration instruction with screenshots is now available.

September 18, 2019

Limit access to your chat by country

Access limitation by country name

Another addition to chat security features has been released. You can now limit or grant access to your chat for specific countries. This option is available in Chat Access Restrictions section of your account Control Panel.

August 20, 2019

Add your company logo to live chat window

Company logo and timestamps in chat window

Let us introduce another useful chat window update. We've added the option to display your company logo at the top of the messenger window. Also, now you can control messages' timestamps display on a visitor end. Manage both settings in your account in chat window settings.

August 16, 2019

Get your Live Chat app for Android on Google Play Store!

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Live chat app for Android

Enjoy assisting your customers on the go with our new mobile app. Provide Support operator console is now available for Android.

July 2, 2019

Forced logout is now available for all operator consoles

Live chat agent forced logout

New improvement for live chat managers! If your agent forgot to close the operator console, you can now log out that console instance remotely from your account Control Panel with forced logout feature.

June 25, 2019

Automatic PayPal payments integration

PayPal automatic payments

Would you like to renew your live chat subscription automatically when paying with PayPal? From now on, recurring payments will be enabled automatically while submitting your PayPal payment.

June 10, 2019

Create large subscription packages by yourself. No need to contact support anymore!

Enterprise live chat subscription packages

For large enterprises Provide Support now offers a possibility to create custom live chat subscription packages with more than 10 operator profiles.

June 6, 2019

Media files preview is now available in live chat window

Drag and drop files to chat window. Preview media files.

Great news! Your clients can now preview images, video files and listen to audio files sent during the chat session. They can also paste screenshots right from their clipboard as well as drag and drop files directly to the chat window.

May 30, 2019

Ready to decorate your website for Easter?

Live chat icons for spring holidays

Use new chat icons for Spring holidays from our chat icon gallery

April 15, 2019

Learn how to install Live Chat plugin on your WordPress website

Our quick video guide will help you to find, install and enable live chat plugin on your WordPress website.

April 4, 2019

Live Chat for iOS is available on App Store!

App Store badge

The long-awaited Mobile Operator Console has been published on Apple App Store. It supports all essential live chat features:

  • answering chat calls
  • using canned responses
  • transferring chat calls to other live chat agents
  • real-time website monitoring

With the mobile live chat app you'll stay connected with your customers on the go. Push notifications won't let you miss a new chat request or message.

March 28, 2019

Live Chat plugin for WordPress updated

Meet version 3.0.0 of Provide Support Live Chat plugin for WordPress. It's compatible with the new embedded live chat window and works perfectly well with the latest WordPress version.

March 18, 2019

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